Monday, May 04, 2009

Closed for Repairs

The blog is going to be closed for a bit as I apparently am in need of repair. I am going to have abdominal surgery next week, which is also Mother's Day/Death Anniversary weekend; both of which I fully expect to knock me down a little. So my primary focus for the next bit is going to be healing and getting back up to speed at work since contracts have ugly and costly clauses for non-fulfillment. That will translate into work/sleep/work/sleep/work/sleep.

I don't know that I will get a lot of knitting done, but I was in the middle of a yarn crush with my stash anyway. You know the type, where you Love Everything in the Stash, and want to Cast On about 9 projects all at once; which translates into not that much productive knitting anyway.

Looking forward to seeing y'all again when I feel better.


Karen said...

Best of luck with your surgery! Heal fast and feel better fast too!

melanie said...

Hope everything goes well!

tina said...

Oh sweet girl------- get better soon. Be gentle with yourself and go easy! Knit lots, eat yummy things, rest and come back stronger than ever!!!! HUGS and BLESSINGS!

Kim said...


I will look forward to your return!

ChelleC said...

Elysbeth, I will be thinking of you. You are such a doll. I'm sending healing thoughts your way. All the best to you.

Jennifer said...

Good surgery vibes to you. Feel better!

Phyllis Bourne said...

I'm chiming in very late, but hope by the time you read this you're doing well.