Friday, September 22, 2006

May you be inscribed in the book of life.

It's time for a new year. 5767 to be precise. And as I enter the "Days of Awe" I find myself considering what I need to do to make this next year a good one. On a material note I have allotted a strict sum for yarn aquistion. On a personal note, that's a tougher one to sort out. It's tradition during these ten days to ask for forgiveness not only for the sins I know I committed but also those committed unknowingly. And pondering the list I realised that most things I need forgiven for are little petty things. So I decided to make it a Mindful year. Pause before speaking, think before eating, tell my opinion to my car dash and not my co-worker; that type of thing.

May all of you have a sweet new year and, always, may you be inscribed in the book of life.

1 comment:

ChelleC said...

Happy New Year to you E! May this one be blessed for us all.