Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sufficient Unto the Day

....Is the evil thereof.

I am practising letting go. My dental work and twitching eye would prefer that I learn it faster. As I was driving to my new Jobsite (Buffalo, NY); correction: as I was 45 minutes from the new jobsite....Ring, Ring, Riinng. Due to increased security the job will not start on the 2nd - nope the 9th. Nope not going to pay you for the unasked for time off, don't really care about you, your plans, your professionalism, your problem not mine because I still get my commission. Since I was so close I went ahead to the housing, which, well, Let's Just Say SERVICE company is an Oxymoron. Looked around, and decided...it's only a 12 hour drive home.

Early the next day set out....12 became 16.5 due to Road Construction Season. I don't know about you, but my butt-o-meter gives out after 6. Still, it was a lovely boring drive. Fortunately I had one of my favourite Audible books already loaded. (see above note about Service), and managed to listen to the book rather than scream filthy epithets at the universe. Sadly, due to the construction, I passed the exit for The Fold 10 minutes after closing. Sigh. But...at the end of it all....

The Adored One, the puppies, the Stash, A Really Good Mattress. And isn't that what it's all about?


Jenny said...

Bastards! At least you have another week with the fam, though.

Anonymous said...

I would love to give you words of wisdom to make it all better but alais, that is how most of my life is... construction delays, uncooperative people, closings just 5 minutes before I get there etc. Chin up! By spending some unplanned time at HOME will make you more prepared for your new adventure.

ChelleC said...

Wow, sounds like a real pain in the . . . not the neck, definitely, but the buttometer! Sorry this happened to you. Enjoy your unexpected "time off." Hope you're able to relax and spin/knit.

melanie said...

You have FAR more patience than I. But good choice on the turnaround. May you spend the week doing only fiber things.