Sunday, March 02, 2008

Short Attention Span

Yesterday I cast on March's socks. I've been sick for the past week and have only gone to work, gone to bed, gone to work, gone to know the type of week I mean. So Saturday I went to the Library to get books out of hock and decided that since I was dressed, out in the weather, and had braved the traffic already, I would return to one of the yarn stores that I hit last week.

I was under the powerful urge to buy a knitting bag. It was (is) like a compulsion. I get that way sometimes, just take an idea like a terrier and dig away at it. I don't mind the drive while it goes on, but the results are often sadly disappointing.

So I go to the Yarn store that the web had assured me carried So-and-So bags. Nope, nary a one. Just some other bags that I wouldn't buy at a jumble sale for the price of an egg.

All along I had been knitting the toe of March. Squeeze this yarn, knit a few stitches, look through that book, do a row...Suddenly I was leapt upon by Spirit 514-Nature. It passed the cheek test. Squeeze squeeze. Hmmn. So I bought it, came back to my hot water bottle, cast on with size 4 DPNs (loose knitter here folks) and have this to show: Nothing fancy, just some garter stitch around the cuff, and reverse stockinette around the fingers. I think March's sock will sit on the table until the mate to this is done. Never mind all the complex knitting that usually gets done at home, this week is for braindead. And obsessing about bags, of course.


Theresa said...

That looks perfect for a harrumph kind of week. Lovely yarn.

ChelleC said...

Gorgeous yarn and I love fingerless loves. Very nice.

I wish I could be there to help you pick a knitting bag. Knitting bags ALWAYS cheer me up too. : )

Jennifer said...

What bag did you want? I have a bag obsession too.